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FTF Gift Guide for parents and caregivers of young children

First Things First’s interactive Gift Guide highlights inexpensive toys and gifts that nurture the healthy development and learning of babies, toddlers and preschoolers.

The holiday season is upon us. Black Friday has given way to Cyber Monday, and the rush of shopping, wrapping, shipping and giving has officially begun.

We give because we love, but it’s easy to get caught up in the flurry and overdo it. That’s especially true when shopping for young children.

Babies, toddlers and preschoolers don’t need expensive toys, the latest tech or designer merch. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends very simple toys, including everyday household objects, as the best for encouraging play and interaction. That’s what young children really need. They learn and grow through quality time spent talking, exploring and playing with adults who love them.

And that’s why First Things First offers our interactive Gift Guide of the best toys and gifts for young kids. It’s another resource we provide to Arizona parents and caregivers to help them support the healthy development and learning of their little ones.

What You Can Do

Check out the First Things First Gift Guide and share it on Facebook or Twitter. You can also link to it from your organization’s website. You’ll be helping spread the word about the importance of early childhood and what everyone can do this holiday season to help more of Arizona’s young children arrive at kindergarten ready to succeed.

Best Gifts 2019

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