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mom holding small baby

Helping smooth the transition to parenthood

  • health & nutrition

As Arizona’s early childhood agency, FTF recognizes the important first months in a newborn’s life and is sponsoring the 4th Trimester Arizona…

boy with his parents and AZ Town Hall logo

Communities to engage in dialogue about state of families and children in community town halls…

  • AZ communities

The 2019 Arizona Town Hall sessions will engage communities on Strong Families Thriving Children. The first kicks off at the FTF Early Childhood Summit.

Violet Duncan storytelling with a group of young children.

Museums open their doors to young children with family-friendly features

  • early learning

Young children learn best through play and experiences that use all their senses to interact with the world, including interactive displays at museums.

mom reading book to baby

Spanish-language resource added to help parents of young children find quality child care

  • Quality First

First Things First’s signature program, Quality First, recently launched a revamped mobile-friendly, Spanish-language website.

Preschool teacher is nominated for Arizona Teacher of the Year.

Remember Arizona’s early educators during Teacher Appreciation Week

  • early learning

This week parents and children will honor early childhood teachers and caregivers during Teacher Appreciation Week, which runs through May 11.

A caterpillar crawling across the lawn

Live theater animates books for preschoolers

  • language & literacy

Studies found that when kids act out what they are reading, it helps the story come alive and allows kids to map the words to their experiences and better…

Preschool teacher is nominated for Arizona Teacher of the Year.

Preschool teacher finalist for Arizona Teacher of the Year

  • early learning

For the first time in two decades, a preschool teacher has been selected as a finalist for the Arizona Teacher of the Year program.


Young kids can stay healthy with Summer Lunch Buddies program

  • health & nutrition

Food security, especially access to healthy, nutritious foods, is critical for ending both child malnutrition, obesity and for helping young kids be ready for…


National experts encourage community response to adverse childhood experiences in Arizona

  • social-emotional development

​National experts recently visited Arizona to share how everyone can do their part to help prevent or lessen the impact of adverse childhood experiences,…

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