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First Things First First Things First

Region Stories

These stories illustrate how early childhood programs and services funded by First Things First make a difference for young children and families in communities across Arizona.

Scholarships help young kids access early education

​​​Balancing parenthood with higher education can sometimes be overwhelming, especially if young parents are far from home. Jessica moved to Tempe from the Navajo Nation to obtain her bachelor’s degree at Arizona State University. Because she had no immediate family near to help care for her child, she worried about her daughter’s care and education.

Jessica soon learned about the Navajo Nation Quality First Child Care Scholarships, which help parents pay for child care while they are attending school. With the scholarship, Jessica was able to make sure her daughter was going to a quality child care center.

“My daughter had a great experience at her child care; they offered many exciting activities and positive learning opportunities over the years” Jessica said. She also had peace of mind because she could check in with the center to make sure her daughter’s develop¬mental needs were being met.

Now, both mother and daughter are getting the education they need to be successful.

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