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First Things First First Things First

Serve Your AZ Community

You can make a difference in the lives of young children by volunteering to serve your AZ community, joining a First Things First regional partnership council.

What is a Regional Partnership Council?

First Things First is committed to helping Arizona kids from birth to age 5 receive the quality education, healthcare and family support they need to thrive. Decisions about how early childhood funds are invested are made at the local level by First Things First regional partnership councils which represent the richly diverse communities across Arizona. Comprised of dedicated volunteers – including teachers, parents, healthcare professionals, faith, business and tribal representatives and community leaders – each regional council studies the unique needs of its community and decides how best to support its young children.

Why Should You Apply?

Serving on a regional council is a unique, high-level leadership opportunity to make a positive impact on children and families in your community. As a regional council member, you will help define priorities for funding and strengthen the services and supports available to young children and their families. You will collaborate with other passionate, dedicated community members. Your time, expertise and vision will be put to good use. Your work will help provide opportunities for young children to get a strong start in life.

The Process

Regional council members are appointed by the First Things First Board after a public application process. Applicants must work or reside in the region to which they are applying.

Seats on each regional council are designated for the following members:

  • Business person
  • Child care provider
  • Early childhood educator
  • Faith community representative
  • Health services provider
  • Parent of a child 5 or younger
  • Philanthropy representative
  • Public school administrator
  • Tribal representative
  • Other (at-large seat)

As part of the public application process, qualified applicants are referred to regional nominating committees for interviews. Regional council members are ultimately appointed by the First Things First Board. Appointed members serve four-year terms.


Serve Your AZ Community

To learn more about serving on a First Things First regional council, please read the Regional Partnership Council Member Application Guide before submitting an application.

Have questions? Contact us by email: serve@firstthingsfirst.org​.

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