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First Things First First Things First

First Things Blog

Information and inspiration for parents and caregivers of babies, toddlers and preschoolers

Mom and dad on the floor with baby daughter, 10 minutes with your child

10 Things To Do With 10 Minutes With Your Child

  • strong families

You can find moments throughout the day to connect with your little one in ways that give them the love, care and attention they need.

Grandparents of young children

5 things grandparents do for young children

  • grandparents

Grandparents can play many important roles in the healthy development of their grandchildren.

Co-parenting young children

Keys to co-parenting young children

  • positive parenting

Co-parenting is a unique journey for every family. But, parents can support their little one’s healthy development.

Dad and baby son playing in park on the floor with leaves.

Helping young children find nature outside the front door

  • play

For families who want to introduce their babies, toddlers and preschoolers to outdoor play, there’s one thing to know: nature is everywhere.

Pregnant mother on couch in orange dress with young girl hugging the mother's stomach

Counting kicks is a simple way to monitor baby’s well-being

    Expectant parents in their third trimester are being encouraged to count their baby’s kicks. It could help save their baby’s life.

    Babies' cues

    Positive Parenting: What is baby saying?

    • infants

    Noticing and responding to your baby’s cues is what great parenting is all about.

    Mom and toddler sitting underneath a sun shade umbrella

    Throwin’ shade at the sun: protecting your kids outdoors

    • safety

    ​All it takes is a few simple steps to help protect your child from the sun.

    little girl with backpack holding hand of adult woman, walking outside

    Building excitement for your child’s transition to preschool

    • school readiness

    Many 3- and 4-year-olds will be looking forward to starting preschool in the fall and parents can use this summer to get them ready.

    New law bans inclined infant sleepers and crib bumpers

    • safety

    These popular but dangerous products pose a risk to infants who can roll over onto the padded surfaces and suffocate. Families that already have crib bumpers…

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