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Information and inspiration for parents and caregivers of babies, toddlers and preschoolers

2020 Gift Guide: The best toys and gifts for young children

The 2020 holiday season is here! And while it may be different for many families this year, the search for the perfect gift for our little ones goes on.

We give because we love, but it’s easy to get caught up in the swirl of shopping, wrapping and shipping and go overboard. Try to keep in mind that babies, toddlers and preschoolers don’t need trendy toys or expensive gadgets. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends very simple toys. Things like everyday household objects are the best for encouraging play and interaction. That’s what young children really need, because they learn and grow through quality time spent talking, exploring and playing with adults who love them.

And that’s why First Things First offers our 2020 Guide to the Best Gifts for Young Kids. With free and low-cost gift options organized by age, each section of the interactive gift guide also includes a top choice.

Ad to visit a guide for best gifts that shows a present and boy playing with a puzzle

See the FTF Gift Guide or the full list of best gifts, but in general:

For babies under age 1, look for toys that stimulate their senses. Babies are fascinated by faces and bright colors. They enjoy playing peek-a-boo with people and stuffed animals. And it’s never too soon to start sharing books with your baby.

For toddlers between 1 and 3 years old, look for toys that encourage imagination and problem-solving, like books, blocks and pretend objects.

For preschoolers age 3 to 5, look for toys that engage their developing minds. Things like puzzles and art supplies are great.

Above all, keep in mind that quality time with you — playing, talking or reading — is the best gift you can give this holiday season. Or anytime.

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