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‘Navigating the New Normal’: Parents and experts on helping kids through the pandemic

On top of everything else, the coronavirus has created a lot of stress for families with young children.

“Navigating the New Normal: Parents Edition” is a 20-minute video from Noggin with questions from parents and advice from leading early childhood experts to help you and your family do your best in these challenging times.

Parent Questions

  • How do you explain social distancing to a child?
  • How can we help kids process emotions that maybe they don’t fully understand?
  • How do you keep your kids happy, engaged and learning when they’re not able to leave the house?
  • Should I feel guilty about the amount of screen time I’m giving my child?
  • How do you manage getting the workload done and giving individual attention to each of the kids?
  • Is it OK for me to say, “I don’t know right now?”

Expert Advice

The video is hosted by Jamie Lynn-Sigler (The Sopranos) and features a great lineup of leading early childhood experts:

  • Dr. Nadine Burke Harris breaks down the science of stress and provides simple strategies to help parents support their children through a crisis
  • Dr. Jenny Radesky, author of the American Academy of Pediatrics digital media guidelines for young children, gives advice on dealing with the reality of more screen time during this extraordinary time.
  • Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek explains that play and learning are deeply connected, and she shares how simple games parents can play with their kids today are actually teaching important skills like math and self-control.

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